Orders are processed in the order they are received within a timely manner. Please note, all items are shipped from Texas within 3 business days. Orders are shipped out weekly. Upon shipment, a tracking number will be provided via email. For all inquiries for your order after shipment, please contact USPS and provide your tracking number.
Damaged items should be reported immediately upon receipt. If you receive an item that is damaged, please contact customer service immediately via email at [email protected] with a picture of the damaged area on the SAME DAY of receiving your order. Proof of damage occurred in shipping process required for refund.
We will review the image(s) of the product(s) to determine the next step of action.
We offer refund and/or exchange on any damaged products within the first 30 days of your purchase. If 30 days have passed since your purchase, you will not be offered a refund or exchange of any kind. Should we determine there is in fact damage, we will notify the customer to proceed in returning the item.
The customer will be responsible for returning shipment fees. We will send you an email when your return package has been received to our warehouse. Please note, returns do take us 3-10 business days to process. Once your return is processed, you will receive a replacement product originally ordered. Should the item not be in stock, you will receive a credit valid for seven (7) calendar days.